How does internal recruitment work and what is it?

In certain situations, companies decide to recruit internally. It is not a common practice, but it is supported by HR departments. Such internal recruitment has advantages and disadvantages – both for employers and employees. What does the whole process look like? Please read this article where we will try to answer that question.

What is internal recruiting?

First, it is worth answering the question, what actually is internal recruitment. It consists in the fact that people for a new position in the company are sought from among employees of this company. Therefore, it is often tantamount to promotion to a higher position, although recruitment may also include equivalent or even lower positions.

Internal recruitment through the eyes of the employer

Why do employers decide to carry out r internal recruitment? The big advantage of this type of employee search is saving time and money. In the event that an employee was sought externally, it would be necessary to post an advertisement, which is associated with costs, in addition, recruiters would spend a lot of time browsing the CVs, calling candidates and meeting with them. In the case of internal recruitment, it is enough to post an advertisement on the internal network, post it on the notice board or send it by e-mail. Thanks to this, the news will spread quickly around the company and everyone who wants to take part in the recruitment will have such a chance.

In addition, recruiters can send an email directly to employees who are suitable candidates for the position. Therefore, the first stage of recruitment will be omitted. Additionally, employees know the structure of the company, know what is most important, what to focus on, and thanks to internal recruitment, they feel that they are not standing still, they can develop, which has a motivating effect.

The employer should clearly define the requirements and competences needed for a given position and consider whether the employee can look inside or outside the company. Internal recruitment can also have disadvantages.

First of all, unhealthy competition can break out in a team. Especially when it comes to recruiting for senior management positions. You may find that your former colleagues hate each other, which will also affect your work. In addition, it may also happen that by taking an employee from another department, we have disrupted his work, and therefore recruitment is … external. Then we do not save time or money.

Additionally, if internal recruitment is carried out, no one gets to the team, there is a lack of freshness, new talents, at some point it may even that the company stops growing, which unfortunately is a serious disadvantage and can have a very negative impact on the business.

Therefore, it is really worth considering the type of recruitment before making a decision. Internal recruitment has many advantages, but it also has disadvantages that must be taken into account.

Internal recruitment through the employee’s perspective

internal recruitment notice. What to do? Is it worth changing the department and taking part in it? What should speak for this?

Let us assume that the employee feels that he is standing still, the activities he performs are repetitive, he has not learned anything new for some time. He loves his job, the organization of the company suits him, but he is aware that working in a given position will not bring anything more. In such a case, the news that the company is recruiting internally is very tempting. The employee begins to feel again that his superiors want him to develop and reach for more. It is extremely motivating.

Before we decide to change our position, it is worth considering it carefully. A hasty decision may be a mistake. Let’s consider why we want to take part in the recruitment process, what are the pros and cons of the new job, is it definitely an occupation for us, or will we feel good in the new department. Let’s try to get to know the environment as much as possible.

Also, do not forget to ask recruiters. While it may seem to us that we know everything about the company, we may not know much about the new position. It is worth asking about the issues that interest us, get to know the duties and opportunities waiting for us.

Let us not conceal the news that we want to participate in internal recruitment – let’s talk about it with our supervisor, let’s ask colleagues what they think. Don’t do anything behind your back, don’t burn the bridges behind you.

Internal recruitment – summary

Internal recruitment, although recommended by HR specialists, is rarely used in companies. However, it is worth thinking about it if we are aware that our company employs people who are most suitable for this position. For example, the specificity of the industry may be decisive here – a new employee would most likely require longer and more intensive training. However, keep in mind that it is not always a good idea to look for employees internally and may not work.

Employees participating in this type of recruitment must be sure that the new position is a real opportunity for them. Perhaps it will work great for motivation and creativity. If we want to prove ourselves, it is definitely worth trying.

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