Problems with finding a job – what are we doing wrong?

We lose our job or give it up and start looking for a new job. This process is always stressful – I’m afraid we won’t hit the right time, no job ad will suit us, no one will invite us for an interview. To prevent this from happening, we send our CVs everywhere, we spend our whole days checking portals … But what if we still have problems with finding a job and growing frustration in us? Read this article where we wonder what could be causing this.

Where’s the fault?

If problems with finding a job accumulate and the process takes a long time, it is worth considering where the fault lies. It’s easy to say that the ads aren’t right, that they don’t suit us, and that employers demand too much. However, if we are stuck for many months at a time when unemployment is at the lowest in years, it is worth looking for the fault in ourselves.

Of course, blaming yourself won’t do us any good, but if we realize what we’re doing wrong, we can take action and make the problems with finding a job finally disappear. What can make things go wrong? Where to look for the cause?

Why am I having trouble finding a job?

So let’s be honest with ourselves and consider what our search is really like. Are we really doing everything we can to get a job? Or maybe we ourselves – more or less consciously – delay this moment? Where did our problems with finding work come from?

I’m looking for… but not really

Sometimes, when talking to colleagues in the industry, we may get the impression that we are working in separate areas. It may turn out that someone tells us how unsuccessfully he is looking for a job in the profession, and we know very well that there are many positions to be taken. So let’s think, are we not the friend who complains? Are we really looking for a job or are we just complaining?
When we have some financial security, live with the family, and are sure that we can afford to be unemployed for a long time, it may turn out that we are not really looking. For the sake of peace of mind, we tell everyone around that our actions are fruitless, and in fact, once a day we review the advertisements and reject them all.
It’s hard to find a job and be surprised that nothing is happening in our professional life if we do not really investigate this topic, we do nothing and look only theoretically.

I don’t know what I want

Theoretically, you have been working in your profession for years, you practically want to change something, because you don’t really like it. So you send your application documents a bit blindly, not fully aware of what you want to do.
Before we start the search, it is worth considering what we want to do and prepare for it – if we have no experience, use free time for learning, training, courses, getting to know the industry, etc.
When we wander like in a fog, it is difficult to expect to suddenly come up with lots of different offers. Problems with finding a job in such a situation are perfectly understandable.

Mismatching advertisements

It also happens that we send our CVs even in response to advertisements that do not match our experience and skills at all. Yes, it may happen that we change the industry and we do not meet the requirements, but then it is worth explaining it, for example, in a cover letter.
If the advertisement clearly states that this position requires knowledge of a given program or language, and we do not even have basic knowledge in this area, sending a CV is often pointless and only increases our frustration.

How do they see you …

Have you ever checked your image on the Internet? What can a recruiter find when they enter your data into a search engine? It is worth turning on the private mode in the browser and entering your first and last name.
It happens that we do not pay attention to what we share publicly and how it builds our personal brand. Nowadays, it is almost certain that a recruiter or a potential employer will check us online because he wants his company to have the best opinion that certain behavior of employees can spoil.
Hateful comments under the photos of celebrities, photos from heavily watered events where we are far from sober, opinions about former employers, lack of culture in statements … All this may make the company unwilling to cooperate with us.

I’m going to be in the element

If we can get an interview invitation, we need to prepare for it. Going to the element can be successful, but not as often as we might think – why risk it?
Are you going to an interview and you don’t even know what the company does? Forgot the position you are applying for? You have some problems with finding a job, like in a bank. Preparation won’t take long and will make you show your interest and commitment.
If any of the above points describe you perfectly, you have to admit that the problems with finding a job are not only on the employers’ side. However, it is worth working on yourself so that the bad streak finally ends.

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