Self-presentation at an interview – what is worth remembering?

An interview is very often our first live contact with a recruiter. Therefore, it cannot be denied that we do not have much time to leave a good impression. It is obvious that we want to do our best and get a job in a given position. Therefore, it is worth preparing well for this stage. Self-presentation at an interview has several components. So what should you pay attention to? Here’s a hint in this article!

Self-presentation at an interview

As we already mentioned, we don’t have much time to convince our employer. Therefore, proper self-presentation at an interview is extremely important. But what does it mean? What does it consist of?

Recruiter mail and application documents

Although an interview is often the first live contact with a recruiter, we usually start with an email with application documents. At this point, the recruiter builds an impression about us, so it is worth paying more attention to what we write and in what form.

First of all, let’s make sure that the e-mail is understandable, correct and not limited to the sentence “Attached CV and cover letter”. Let’s briefly introduce ourselves, mark the position for which we apply and how we know about recruitment. We should also remember to sign the files with the name and surname so that they do not get lost in the maze of others. Let’s also send a message from the official email. It happens that we have an address from high school, but in many cases, it does not look professional.

Match the CV and cover letter to the recipient. The easiest way to do it is on the basis of the job advertisement to which we reply. Thanks to it, we know what the requirements of the employer are and what to focus on in our documents.

They must also be aesthetic, legible, transparent, and linguistically correct. It is worth paying a little more attention to them.

Halo effect

Even if we defend ourselves against it, we build our first impression when we get to know a given person for the first time and judge them through this prism. This means that we judge a book by its cover. This is how the halo effect works.

So it goes without saying that very often the first thing we pay attention to is the appearance of the other person. We have to take this into account when preparing our self-presentation at an interview.

It’s best to dress elegantly, but without exaggerating – the ideal style is semi elegant. We present ourselves classy, ​​but not too stiff. It is worth choosing subdued colors, delicate makeup, and jewelry. Its excess, especially bracelets, can make us emit distracting sounds.

Ironed and clean clothes, a relaxed face, fresh hairstyle – these are also elements that we should pay attention to before meeting the recruiter.


Attitude is also important – it’s not about boasting and falling into self-love, but about self-confidence and awareness of our strengths pages is very important. A positive attitude and a smile also affect how others perceive us.


Self-presentation at an interview is very important. It is difficult to leave a good impression when we are not even sure what position we applied for and what company we are in. Preparing for an interview is crucial.

This is not a very demanding task – just take a look at the company website, social media, and prepare answers to frequently asked questions during interviews.


Remember that an interview is not a meeting with a friend, even if the atmosphere is very relaxed. Avoid over-talking about your privacy, don’t turn to the recruiter for you if he doesn’t make it clear, don’t joke too much. nose. It may seem essential, but in stressful situations, it is easy to forget.

Also, try to speak loud and clear, but not too loud, so that the recruiter doesn’t feel overwhelmed.

Let’s turn off the phone, and if we are waiting for an important call, let the recruiter know before starting the call.

Let’s also try to control our emotions. Often, stress can make other emotions appear with double power, especially when we are talking about difficult topics, for example, about dismissal or a previous employer.

Speaking of, remember not to speak badly about your former employer. Of course, you don’t have to lie if the situation was not colorful, but try to be objective, and if you feel like offending him, it’s best not to say anything.

Self-presentation at the interview is very important. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to certain elements in order to do your best in front of a potential employer.

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